With the integrated LINERECORDER AGENT, this master
enables direct networking of all connected IO-Link
devices with a local server via an Ethernet network.
Using this connection, machine data, process parameters
and diagnostic data can be directly read and processed
by the IT. The easy-to-use server software
##10個額外二進制輸入24 V DC和2個可配置二進制輸入/輸出
##2個以太網端口10/100 Base-TX,帶集成交換機
##0...70 °C的擴展溫度范圍設備并交換生產相關數據。
傳感器數據可首次直接傳輸到管理軟件 - 這是在工廠范圍甚至全球范圍。
*LINERECORDER SMARTOBSERVER是基于服務器的軟件,用于數據存儲、預測維護和質量監控。 Interface for factory networkingLINERECORDER
SMARTOBVSERVER* enables data evaluation by means
of customer-specific cockpits.
Using the same communication mechanisms, it is possible
to directly couple machines and exchange productionrelated
From sensor to SAP
For the first time, sensor data can be directly transmitted
to management software - and this on a factory-wide
or even worldwide level.
Evaluation of the obtained data in real time
用于連接到現場總線的IO-Link master模塊
憑借集成的LINERECORDER AGENT,本master通過以太網網絡將所有連接的IO-Link設備與本地服務器直接連接。
使用本連接,IT可以直接讀取并處理設備數據、過程參數和診斷數據。通過客戶特定控制臺,易于使用的服務器軟件LINERECORDER SMARTOBVSERVER*允許數據評估。
用于PLC數據交換的“Y“路徑,以及通過LINERECORDER AGENT到服務器的并行連接