調節器? system comprises signal conditioners for signal transfer between control system and safe area as well as isolated barriers for communication with field devices in hazardous areas. They are preferred for these kinds of mixed applications. Wide range of isolated barriers and signal conditioners for mixed applications
Modules for universal power supply
Reduced wiring by Power Rail
Removable terminals
Many mod
Solenoid Driver, Power Amplifie
4-channel signal conditioner, 24 V DC supply (Power Rail), Output 600 mA per channel, Logic inputs, Common safety-oriented disable input, Line fault detection (LFD), Up to SIL2 acc. to IEC 61508
對于大多數的控制系統而言,常常需要將輸入信號轉換為系統可接受的信號模式。那么信號調節器的功能就是將各種現場信號,例如熱電偶,熱電阻轉換為多種標準的儀表信號(1…5V, 4…20 mA, 等.).
基金會 現場總線 H1 和PROFIBUS PA用于連接現場設備和過程工廠。它實現了工廠和控制系統之間的無縫式數據通訊,同時為所有現場
an even get the intrinsically safe High-Power Trunk for Zone 1 with D
總線ules with marine
Current Driver/Repeate
1-channel signal conditioner, 24 V DC supply (loop powered), Current input/output 4 mA ... 20 mA, HART I/P or transmitter power supply, Low voltage drop, Line fault detection (LFD), Up to SIL2 acc. to IEC 61508, Rated voltage: loop powered, Field circuit: 4-20 mA, Safe area: 4-20 mA, Transfer
的連接性是首屈一指的.從電源到現場總線終端或到現場總線安全柵 –我們的經驗證明了這是一個可靠的,有價值的的產品,同時還能節約成本。長壽命的元件服務周期也保證了您的投資,ditioners