Regular lubrication is vital, parti
cularly in aggressive environments,
and should be provided via the grease nip
ple in the side of the bearing housing.
派克液壓缸簡介,型號PARKER液壓缸 上海乾拓貿易有限公司 企業QQ:2880626086 手機; 郵箱:@163.com ; :楊艷鳳 上海市嘉定區江橋鎮嘉涌路99弄6號713室
The rod eye with spherical bearing is
used where the load travels in an arc
on either side of the true plane of mo
tion. The rod eye should be selected to
suit the rod e的任一側以弧形運動。 應選擇桿眼,以適
應桿端螺紋。 為了確保提供正確的桿端螺紋
以接受適當的桿眼,請參閱HMI / 的桿端尺寸
定期潤滑至關重要,特別是在侵蝕性環nd thread. To ensure tha
t the correct rod end thread is supplie
d to accepHMD系列公
制拉桿油缸目錄HY07-1150 / UK中t the appropriate rod eye, re
fer to Rod End Dimensions in the HMI/HMD
series metric tie rod cylinders catalogue HY07-1150/UK
用球面軸承的桿眼,其中負載在真實運動平 派克液壓缸簡介,型號PARKER液壓缸